Reaching the Top


Being successful doesn’t come easy.

It takes patience and hard work to be able to reach the top.

A risky attitude must lie within a person’s heart for him to be more motivated in doing his passion.

But it doesn’t come alone.

Most of all, it requires a partnership with God.

God is the one who will direct our steps on which road should we follow.

He leads us on which path should we take.

He guides us on which track should we go.

Because He knows the best way, He is the best way to success rather.


We climbed the Mt. Pamitinan in Montalban Rizal earlier today in the morning. I felt excited at first and yet challenged because of its troubles it can give, from sliding, scratching, rough feeling and all. But since we prayed, God told me to go on and He will take care of us along our journey.


The whole experience was so amazing. No words can tell how wonderful God’s creations are. I can’t even describe all of it with the adjectives I know! Hahaha! The rock formations were perfect. The trees were relaxing. The trek was hard but challenging and I felt like I lost weight because I felt my sweat all over my body. Nonetheless, when we reached the summit, the pain, tiredness, irritable feeling, panting breath slowly faded.

After seeing the majestic creation of our great God, I just amazingly say “WOW”. Truly, God is an adorable, amazing, wonderful God. His creations reflect His beauty and greatness and it even makes me fall in love with Him more.

Our adventure gives me a reminder that in order to reach the top, we must be able to endure all the pain and sacrifices while we are in the middle of our journey. Sometimes, there are big rocks or troubles that hinder us to go on to reach our dreams, but you know what God promised that He will be with us whenever and whatever comes our way.

“There is no gain, if there is no pain.”

This is somewhat true, we must be able to experience hard challenges that make us feel we carry the whole world on our back but we should not be carried away by the lies of the devil. We should fix our eyes on Jesus and set our mind on our goal.


We are all mountaineers, we climb different mountains with different level of rocks and hardships. Similarly, we encounter various situations that bring us disappointments. But with all of these, remember that,

“We have the same God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

It differs how we climb our mountain, are we slow but sure or fast but dangerous?

No matter what it is, God is always there guiding us through the day and night of our journey.

He loves us in the light and even in our darkest.

He appreciates us even in dawn or in the evening.

And as we reached the top,

We will see how amazing God is.

How wonderful his plans are (Jer.29:11).

And how perfect He is.

“He creates a wonderful creation like you, trust Him to lead you to his wonderful plans for you. Don’t give up friend!”

It takes braveness, courage, and trust.

“It was hard and painful, but in the end, it was all worth it.”