The Anointing of God

Tonight, I was scheduled to speak for our 21 Nights of Prayer, and I spoke about the anointing of King Solomon which is found in 1 King 3:4:14.

The story talks about the wish of Solomon which was granted by God. God appeared in Solomon’s dream and asked him what he wants. Solomon asked for wisdom and the ability to determine right from wrong for him to be able to rule his kingdom because he is a beginner as a King and has no experience yet. God was pleased because he did not ask selfishly but instead he asked for the welfare of the kingdom. With that, God did not only grant him wisdom but also gave him treasure, popularity, and long life.

We can see that if God anoints someone to do something for His glory, He is the one who provides what He needs such as wisdom, treasure, and long life. Also, not only what he needs but also blesses him with the things he did not ask for. Like Solomon, he only asked for wisdom but God provided him treasure and long life. How generous God is! Lastly, if we follow God’s will and live according to His purpose, He will bless us with long life years.

Also, our weakness is an avenue of God to show his power and glory. Solomon is an inexperienced King but God strengthen him by giving him what he needs. We are worthy to be used when we think less of ourselves because that’s where God enters and take his part. Like Moises, a shepherd, when he was called by God to lead Israel, he questioned God and told Him he is unable and has a speech defect. He even added, “Is there anyone else other than me?”. Despite that, God strengthens Him and made him able to lead Israel way out of Egypt. Joseph, son of Jacob was also a shepherd turned to be a Gobernador of Egypt. David, son of Jesse, also a shepherd and a small young boy who defeated a giant became a King of Jerusalem. This means that God chooses small and weak people to show his power by making them an extraordinary person.

Sometimes, in our life, we tend to think of our weaknesses and reason out to God that we are unable and have no sufficient knowledge to be used by Him. We even let others who are greater than we do the task God wants us to do. In spite of this, just what Solomon did, He asked for wisdom and even received more than what he asked for. We can also us ask God for what we want to have even without Him asking us. We can expect that God will grant our request if we are serious and willing to submit to whatever He wants us to do in our church.

We should not be contented just by sitting inside our church, singing, listening to preaching and then go home. We should aim to do more than that. We can join the music team, be a Sunday School teacher or a cell leader. Remember, an ordinary person like us can do extraordinary things for the glory of God.

“The best life in the world is to live it for the one who gave it.”

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