Behind those smiles



I am so being restricted.

I felt chained.

I feel like I need to be perfect all the time.

I feel like all eyes are on me.

I feel like I shouldn’t make mistake.

And I hate this feeling.

I also need someone to talk to.

I also need someone who will listen to my problems and will never judge me.

I also want someone whom I will talk to about everything under the sun.

I need someone who will listen to my dramas and accept my imperfections.

I laugh, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy.

I hide.

I hide my sadness through those laughs and smiles.

I want someone who will see my real emotion.

I want someone who will predict what’s on my mind.

Because I can’t contain it all.

I can’t handle it all.

I’m just a fragile girl hiding behind a strong wall around me.

I am strong on the outside, but I’m breaking inside.

*sighs heavily*

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