Where is your heart?


Where is your heart?

Does it crave praises from other people?

Does it want achievements and excellence?

Does it longs for material things?

Does it thirsts to leave a legacy when you die?

Does it yearn to be known or exalted?

If one of these is what your heart does, I tell you to think again and evaluate your life.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

God does not allow you to live your life for these temporary things.

He wants you to live more significantly for Him and not for your own desires.

Remember, our life is not permanent here on Earth, we are just tenants and time will come that God will take our lives and judge us when we face Him.

When that time comes, He will not ask us what we had achieved, how many friends do we had, how much money we made, how many places we traveled or how plenty our properties were.

The only question He will ask us is, “What did you do for me?”

What will you answer? Are you able to answer it with what you did with your life?

Just like the saying, “Only one LIFE will soon be passed, only what’s done for CHRIST will last.”

We do not live here on Earth to grant our selfish desires and ambition. We are here solely to praise Him and share the Good News until Jesus came.

If you are living for the world like earning money, yearning for praises from other people, thirsting for achievements. I tell you, you are just wasting your time. You will just get tired and frustrated. It will not give you satisfaction in life because it can only provide by Jesus.


The main purpose of our lives is not to please others and ourselves, it’s to please God through what we do for Him. If our heart still seeks for people’s approval, it will just cause us exhaustion and devastation. We can’t bring our treasures to Heaven, God does not need it because He owns everything.

Material things, Achievements, Praises from other People and Legacy will follow if we seek God first.


Blessings are God’s bonus to us if we do His will for us. If we surrender all the aspects of our lives to Him. He will direct our paths and He will give you a fulfilled and satisfied life. What you received from the world when you devote yourself to it was nothing compared to the blessings that God can pour out to you. It is more than what you expect. I am not referring to the material things only but all the things that He has because all the things in the world are from Him. From, friends, family, achievements, places you want to go to and other things. He will make everything just to make you feel joyful, he will grant your desires if you will delight yourself in Him.

The best feeling is not having all you want in life, it is having Jesus in your life and making Him as the driver of your life. The best reward is not when your teacher or your boss praises you or appreciates you, it is when you know you have a reward in heaven because you share Jesus with others and you serve Jesus while you’re still living. There is nothing in this world that can surpass the rewards and treasures in Heaven.

If you really accepted Jesus in your life, it just doesn’t end there. You must willing to follow God’s will in your life,not your own will. You must not exert your effort and allot your time to the things in this world.

If you really believed that He died for you on the cross, you must also offer you life back not in the means of dying but in living for Him.

God’s promise is clear, He will provide all our needs and prosper us if we let Him control our lives. (Jeremiah 29:11)


“Do not plan on your own, instead, ask God to make you as what He wants you to be.”

I tell you, it’s the most amazing thing you would ever feel if you just let Him.

Where is your heart?

Is it in the world?


Is it in Christ?


My heart yearns to please God.

It thirsts to share the Word of God.

It craves to praise and glorify Him.

It does not want people’s praises.

It does not desire achievement.

It beats for JESUS.


Godbless! 🙂

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